Mercy House
The Mercy House is a free clothing ministry of Upper Deer Creek Church.
5075 East 1400 South Galveston, IN 46932
Located on UDC's property in the white house just east of the church.
The Mercy House is open
the second Saturday of the month
Stay up to date by following our Mercy House Facebook Page!
Call for more information!
Upper Deer Creek Church: 574-699-7797

Benevolence Fund
The Benevolence Committee is assigned the task of assisting those in our church family and the surrounding area with mission-critical expenses when there is a shortfall in funds. The committee is comprised of church members tasked with accepting and evaluating applications, then praying over and dispersing funds given specifically for this outreach. The funds distributed do not derive from the UDC general fund, but from the outpouring of God's graciousness into the Benevolence account. The committee focuses on critical items such as food, heat and shelter. The objective of this committee is a very short-term gap stop and is not intended for long-term covering. Click on the PDF link for access to a printable application. Physical application forms also available at our church office. If you have a need, please fill out this application in its entirety and return it to Upper Deer Creek Church.